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Album: Present Day

Music and lyrics by Norman Baker. Engineered by Mell Dettmer, Pierre Ferguson, Moore Huffman, Dylan Fant, Norman Baker. Mixed and mastered by Pierre Ferguson. Layout & art direction by Shasta Brewer. Original photos of my dad and his compatriots by Jon Newton.

Released June 23, 2015

Musicians: Norman Baker, Dan Tyack, Michael Muir, Scott Goodwin, Mark Bateman, Ian McFeron, Alisa Milner, Ryan FitzSimmons, Jonathan Kimball, Randy Neal, Kate Lynne Logan, Forrest Guiberson, Ricky Gene Powell, Chris Poage, Lucien LaMotte.



ALBUM: The Art Of Not Knowing

All songs written and arranged by Norman Baker
Released November 23, 2009

Produced by Norman Baker for Ancient Vessel.  All songs recorded at Foundry for Sound in Seattle by Pierre Ferguson March, 2007 - June, 2008.  Mixed and engineered by Pierre Ferguson.  Assistant Engineer: Moore Huffman. "Nisqually Earthquake Waltz" original ghost tracks recorded and engineered by Mark Scott in his living room, extra special thanks to him for that.  Mastered by Mell Dettmer at Sinister Kitchen Studios August 2008. 
Preludes feature Jim and Carlos of the Shackles (#7), and B-Scrill AKA Bretination (#3) .  Layout and design by Shasta Brewer.

Unveil the Revival (Lullaby for the Dragons).....Rachel Lee Bowman-Cello, Beverly Ann-Fiddle, Bill Patton-Pedal Steel, Nathan Parker-Bass, Background Vocals by ilen Young, Laurianne, and Bill Patton, Norman Baker-Vocals, Guitar, Organ. 

Stork & Bow.....Naphtali Ebna-Hakim Rashid-Harmonica, Bill Patton-Pedal Steel, Norman Baker-Bass, Drums, Guitar, Organ, Vocals, (PF1-Splice Programming) 

Nisqually Earthquake Waltz.....Randall Neal-Electric Guitar Solo, Nathan Parker-Bass, Beverly Ann-Fiddle, Ryan Hamilton FitzSimmons-Mandolin, Norman Baker-Acoustic Guitar, Drums, Organ. 

the Treehugger Stomp.....Beverly Ann-Fiddle, Bill Patton-Pedal Steel, Ryan Hamilton FitzSimmons-Mandolin, Nathan Parker-Bass, Norman Baker-Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, PF1-Sequence Programming, samples courtesy Sounds from the Igbo Heartland-Ancient Vessel Nigeria. 

Abraham & the Olympic Flame.....Rachel Lee Bowman-Cello, G Mark-Wurlitzer, Milo Petersen-Drums, Nathan Parker-Bass, Norman Baker-Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals. 

Crossing the Rubicon, Part One.....ilen Young-Vocals and Yodelling, Damian Bradley-Harmonica, Norman Baker-Guitar, Percussion, Vocals. 

Black Eye Waltz.....Norman Baker-all guitars, bass, vocals, percussion. PF1-Programming. 

Kinda Ordinary.....G Mark-Keys, Bill Patton-Pedal Steel, ilen Young and Laurianne-Background Vocals, Ryan Hamilton FitzSimmons-Mandolin, Norman Baker-Guitar, Organ, Drums, Bass, Vocals. 

Medicine Mill.....Beverly Ann-Fiddle, Norman Baker-Drums, Bass, Guitar, Organ, Vocals. 

Telegrams from Paradise.....Milo Petersen-Drums, Nathan Parker-Bass, Bill Patton-Pedal Steel, Norman Baker-Guitar, Vocals. 

© 2009 Norman Baker under exclusive license by Ancient Vessel.